Supporting our children's mental health
At Princess May Primary School we take emotional health and mental wellbeing very seriously.
Each class has its own Worry Box where children can post notes to highlight concerns or request support if they feel unable to say it out loud. Weekly Personal Social Health Economic (PSHE) lessons form part of the curriculum which aim to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives.
Emotional Regulation
We use the Zones of Regulation to encourage children's ability to:
- Recognise their emotions
- Name their emotions
- Express their emotions in a healthy way
- Use strategies to support them with negative emotions
Alongside our own pastoral department, Place2Be provide a lunchtime drop-in service on Wednesday and Thursday where children can discuss problems they feel they need help with. Most commonly children need to talk through friendship issues and are given strategies to help with this. Children who require longer term support may also be able to access 1-2-1 counselling provided by our Place2Be counsellors.
Assembly & Awareness Days
Regular wellbeing assemblies and awareness days like Children's Mental Health Week and Mental Health Awareness Week help us to maintain a wellbeing focus throughout the school which also enable children to practice ways to support their own wellbeing.
We believe it's important to provide children with lots of opportunities to access activities to build their character and confidence. Our lunchtime enrichment clubs will resume as soon as possible and are a great chance for children to practice skills and explore new things like drawing, debating and crafts.
WAMHS Project
We are also part of the Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (WAMHS) project which aims to improve wellbeing and mental health support by connecting us with a specialist practitioner from external mental health services. Our WAMHS worker, Philippa Harbidge works alongside our SEND and Pastoral Team. For more information on WAMHS in Hackney click here. Check out the WAMHS Newsletter below.