Paper copies of these policies are available from the school’s office on request.
- Accessibility Policypdf
- Allegations of Abuse against Staff and Volunteerspdf
- Anti-Bullying policypdf
- Attendance Policypdf
- Behaviour Policypdf
- Charging and remissions Policypdf
- Code of Conduct for Schoolspdf
- Complaints Policypdf
- Confidentiality Policypdf
- Contextual Risk Assessmentpdf
- Educational Trips & Visits Policypdf
- Emergency Management Policypdf
- First Aid Policypdf
- Equality information and objectivespdf
- Governor Code of Conductdocx
- Health and Safety Policypdf
- Healthy and Safety in PE Policypdf
- Home Learning Policypdf
- Intimate Care Policypdf
- Late Collection Policypdf
- Leave Entitlements and Arrangements Policypdf
- Low-Level Concern Policypdf
- New Pupil Induction Policypdf
- Online Safety Policypdf
- Organisational Change Policypdf
- Parent Handbookpdf
- Parent Partnership Policypdf
- Penalty Notices - Code of Conduct Policypdf
- PE & Sports Premium Reportpdf
- Positive Handling Policypdf
- Prevent Duty Policypdf
- Pupil Premium Strategy Statementpdf
- Reading Policypdf
- Read Write Inc. Phonics Policypdf
- RSHE Policypdf
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policypdf
- Safer Recruitment Policypdf
- SEND Policy and SEND informationpdf
- SMSC Guidance Maintained Schoolspdf
- Social Media Code of Conduct for Parentspdf
- Supporting Pupils With Medical Conditions Policypdf
- Suspension Policypdf
- Teaching & Learning Policypdf
- Volunteer Policypdf
- Uniform Policypdf
- Uniform Price Listpdf