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Parent Survey

Every year we ask our community to complete a questionnaire to help us understand what parents/carers think about our school and give an opportunity for comment on the school successes and areas that could be even better.

Survey Date: Autumn 2023

Total Number of Responses: 33


  • 100% strongly agree of agree that the school provides a good education for their child.
  • 85% strongly agree or agree that the school environment is welcoming for parents.
  • 97% strongly agree or agree that the teaching staff are good at ensuring that their child learns and encourages them to become independent.
  • 87% strongly agree or agree that the information they receive from school is useful.
  • 100% strongly agree of agree that their child feels that their teachers work hard and teach well.
  • 100% strongly agree of agree that they are kept informed about how their child is getting on.
  • 100% strongly agree of agree that they would recommend Princess May Primary School to another parent.
  • 100% strongly agree of agree that the partnership between parents and the school is useful in helping them to support their child’s learning
  • 100% strongly agree of agree that the termly reports are useful.
  • 87% strongly agree of agree that the school provides suitable homework.
  • 100% strongly agree of agree that they feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions or a problem.
  • 100% strongly agree of agree that the newsletter keeps them well informed about events.
  • 100% strongly agree of agree that their child feels safe at school.
  • 98% strongly agree of agree that staff explain how to help their child at home.
  • 87% strongly agree of agree that they find the school website a useful source of information.

Most Common ‘I would like…’ Parent Comments

More electronic communication and emails 8
More workshops for parents 17


Areas of Focus

85% strongly agree or agree that the school environment is welcoming for parents.

We will continue to:

  • Conduct a parent tour to gather feedback on the school environment.
  • We will develop the office area.
  • We will invest in a Parent Information Board for the school gates.
  • We will create a Parent Room, which can be used by all parents and the community. 
  • We will review our office arrangements.
  • We have ensured that a member of SLT is always available on the school gates in the morning and teachers are available to speak after school.
  • We have ensured that all emails received from parents are responded to.

95% strongly agree or agree that the coffee mornings are useful.

We will continue to:

  • Have more pupil-input coffee morning sessions.
  • Upload coffee morning presentations to the website and make them accessible by parents who cannot attend.

17 parents said they would like more workshops for parents

What we did:

  • Created a calendar of events for each term which included workshops for parents
  • Partnership with external agencies to deliver workshops, such as Hackney's Family Coaching Service