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Welcome to our Reception page

What is my child learning?

Please see our Curriculum Map: Reception Curriculum Map Spring 2, 2018

Throughout the year, we will be sharing our learning journey, so please continue to visit our page.

Look out for key dates and important information.

We can't wait to share our journey with you!


Our entry point 'Let's pretend dress up day!'






            Is Batman calling for backup?                      Did Snow White eat the apple?


Expressive Art and Design: Role-play during free-flow

In the theatre. Waiting for the show to start.

The bar with refreshments set up nicely by our lovely theatre staff

Independent learning

Reading with my friends.


Creating my own mathematical problems based on my own interest and fascination.



Easter parade!


Happy Mother's Day!




Our trip to the Tower of London

Our journey to find the treasure at the Tower of London begins. Firstly, we had a ride on the the overground and then the underground train. 










Then we enjoyed the sun at the Tower of London

Maps in hand, we planned our route.


Next, we headed towards the White Tower.


We climbed the many stairs.                                 Through the chapel. 


Past the Japanese suit of armor.                          Through the spiral staircase.


... and the dark tunnels.


We actually found a dragon!

And he had gulped some of the treasure!

So we took pictures with him. 


We had a short break and played some games.


We sneaked past the guards. 

And there it was, in this building.


Entry point - Treasure Hunt





World Book Day - Dressing up as the pirates from 'Portside Pirates' by Oscar Seaworthy

Apple class




Acorn class


Reading Morning








Expressive Art and Design



A snowy week


Expressive Art and Design

Our new topic is about Treasure! We are pretending to be pirates, riding on a ship, looking for a treasure island, digging up some treasure from the sand, etc.

'I am a pirate but I don't have an eye patch actually'





Using the resources to spell our names!

Showing interest in the Set 2 sounds in our free-flow

Understanding the world  

ICT - exploring child-friendly applications on the computer

'I'm making pizza. These are the meatballs. They are too many'.


 'We ordered the numbers to 20' 


Physical Development  

Exploring different ways of moulding dough 



Exploring different ways of moving







Making a rainbow cake with a friend and cutting it in different sized slices

Ordering numbers to ten and guessing which one has been taken away

Local trip to a Turkish restaurant





Local trip to the market


Launchpad Workshop - making a puppet to support us in our Speech development



Labeling the healthy food on our plate

Expressive Art and Design

Making a garden


Incorporating a story-line from 'Handa's Surprise' into our play

Using a range or resources and creating with purpose 


Role-playing different jobs at a restaurant and a shop - Taking the order, cooking, washing up, etc.



Understanding the world

Making fruit salad


Learning about growth and decay

Exploring cooking - mixing flour with water, salt and oil. How does the dough change when you add different amounts of ingredients to it?

Topic Entry Point  




Our Christmas production 'A Miracle In Town'

The narrators

Joseph and Mary

The villagers

The wise kings following the enormous star

The camels and the servants

The animals in the stable


Acorn Class

Apple Class


 Mathematics morning


Reading Morning


Understanding the world

Finding out how things work - discovering the push and pull of magnet forces

Children in need dressing up day



Showing interest in illustrations in books


'Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?' Can you identify which animals from the story these masks represent?



Drawing a story map for the story of the week 'Goldilocks and the three bear'


First experience of abstract Mathematics, independent work

Independently representing the number with the correct amount

Remembrance day





Expressive Art and Design

Making a farm



Painting different types of bears using different tools such as paint brushes and forks.


Making bear masks using materials



Acting out the story 'Goldilocks and the three bears'

Daddy bear                                        Mummy bear  

Baby bear                                        Goldilocks  

Role playing in the bear cave and making porridge in the bear's house



Our entry point: a bear tea party / bear hunt











Our new Topic is about Bears


Happy Halloween


Communication, Language and Literacy  








Understanding the world






Sensory Table

Expressive Art and Design






Making friendships and settling in




Early mathematical experiences



Exploring books









Sensory experiences


Physical Development





Our trip to Hackney city farm










Understanding of the world

I can make observations of plants and animals and explain why some things occur and talk about changes. We are also keeping a bean diary. Pictures will be posted at a later date.




Expressive Art and Design

Butterfly printing


Paper maché life cycle of a butterfly


Our new topic is about 'Changes'

Our entry point is all about the life cycle of the butterfly: Can you tell which stage the butterfly is at?

Letting the butterflies go and saying goodbye. Can you spot the flying butterfly on two of the pictures below?

Physical Development

Can you explain how you work as a team in this game? 


Working together to solve some repeated addition.

Exploring addition and subtraction using different resources




London History Day

Can you guess what historical person am I dressed as?




Communication and Language

'We're going on a bear hunt'

Traveling water experiment


Launch pad workshop

Creating hand puppets, a fun way to develop our speech and language.






Our trip to London Transport Museum






















Understanding of the World


I can complete a simple program. 



I can comment and ask questions about aspects of my familiar world such as the place where I live or the natural world: Pretending that we landed on a different planet. How is their world different than ours? How is it the same? What alien creatures live there?


Our journey continues to a sandy planet. What did our expedition find on this planet? Was there life?

I can join in with family customs and routines: Who is driving the bus? Which stop are we getting off at? Did you tap in your Oyster card?

Physical Development

I can use a pencil and holds it effectively to form recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed: Sending a special message to the friends that we made at other planets. Dear Mr. Alien...

Expressive Art and Design

Using simple tools to effect changes to materials: Building astronaut helmets. What parts did we need?

Constructing with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources


'It's an amazing aeroplane like in the story 'Amazing Aeroplanes'!

'This is a special rocket that can take you to space!'


 'This is an airship because it flies in the sky. It lands on its own'


Entry point to our new topic: Transport

What types of transport can you see? 





Physical Development

Scissors grip and fine motor skills - Making boats





Our Easter bonnet parade



Mother's Day

 Making our Mother's day cards

Red nose day



Our trip to the Tower of London

What attractions did we see? Where do you think Cinderella's glass slipper was placed?



Science week

Our Science experiment: Can you remember the steps of making an oobleck slime? 






Putting into practice what we learned in addition and subtraction

Counting to 50

Expressive Art and Design

Making an Easter bonnet hat

Decorations for the Easter parade

Building the Tower of London

Decorating Cinderella's slipper


Making masks



World Book Day

Can you spot any book characters that you know?

Our trip to 'Kidz Adventure Playzone'

Can you pretend to be Jack from 'Jack and The Beanstalk'? How were you climbing the beanstalk? Who were you trying to escape from? Can you tell a story about your adventure? What happened first, what happened next and what happened at the end? 









Understanding of the World: Joining in with family customs and routines

Real life jobs. What would you like to be when you are older?

Parents talking about their jobs

What chores do you do at home?

Physical Development: Healthy eating

Can you sort out the food in healthy and unhealthy?


Our new topic is Let's Pretend

Who were you pretending to be on the dressing up day?



Reading morning with parents



3D shapes: Can you work out how the shapes have been sorted?


Superhero Writing


My version of the Gingerbread man story





Understanding of the World: People and Communities

Valentine's Day cards





Expressive Art and Design

Making a beanstalk

Tea light candle for Valentine's day


Physical Development: Health and Self-care

Making a Gingerbread man sandwich





 Physical Development


Having a race


Playing football

Chinese New Year

We made dragons...



lucky fish...

and lanterns.

Literacy and Friday's All Write

Writing a recipe

Reading a book

Expressive Art and Design

Feeling the texture and rubbing texture for creating a print


Patterned pasta necklace

Finding patterns in magazines


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We are more outgoing towards unfamiliar people and more confident in new social situations. (30-50 months)

Our trip to the local library

Ruby class' assembly

'The Gingerbread man'

Can you finish off the story? What happened next?







I can say the number that is one more or one fewer than a given number (40-60 months)

Can you say what is one more and one less than the given number?


Positional language. Can you describe where your child is sitting? Can you use the key words: between, next to, in front of, behind, front and back? Where is the child with the biggest smile sitting?

Understanding of the world

Exploring colours and textures of food

Building site manager

Building the Gingerbread man's house

Patterns. What type of patterns can you find?

Feeling the snow flakes


Happy New Year!

Entry point 'Pattern Parade'




On our parade around the school, we discovered lots of patterns!






Christmas Jumper day

Christmas dinner



Early Years production

Wisemen and Joseph

Shepherds and Mary

Christmas play 'Our First Nativity'

Expressive Arts and Design

Preparing for the Christmas production

Reading Morning in the decorated hall

Maths morning


Entry Point

Our trip to West Hackney Recreation Ground


Celebrations and Special times



                                          Bonfire Night!                                        


     Remembrance Day!


Parents Reading Morning




Parents Mathematics Morning




Anti-bullying week

WEAR BLUE! We say NO! to bullying...

Parents reading morning


Communication and language/Literacy



Forming numbers

Learning to measure or order by:






Understanding the World

Booking a tour to explore the Jungle.



Road safety week

Stay bright, avoid the headlights!


Physical Development

Working on Jade's door display


Please see our Curriculum Map: Reception Curriculum Map Autumn 1, 2016


Personal, social, emotional development

Talking about our emotions


Physical Development

Explore fine motor skills


Communication and Language/Literacy

Discussing with each other

Talk for writing



Can you work out what types of pattern we have made?

Understanding the World

Where we come from/where we live

All about the body

Expressive Arts and Design

Role playing and hand printing



Personal, social, emotional development

Making friendships

Making Friendships      Playing together

Physical Development

Explore fine and gross motor skills

Writing their name     Stepping and balancing

Cutting and sticking

Communication and Language/Literacy

Reading to a friend     Mark making

Talking about the story Reading a book


Looking at patterns, shapes, numbers and sorting by colour.

Patterns     Sorting     

Understanding the World

Family and Friends

Making our family using play dough    Painting a picture of our family

Sand    Washing up

Expressive Arts and Design

Cooking, music, performing and dancing.


Dancing   Music