Welcome to our Nursery Page
What is my child learning?
Throughout the year, we will be sharing our learning journey, so please continue to visit our page.
Look out for key dates and important information.
We can't wait to share our journey with you!
July 2018
Open day meeting for parents
On Friday 13th July prospective parents for Nursery and Reception class were invited to come for an open day. It was an opportunity for the parents to meet the Head teacher, early years lead and staff of the early years. The lead for the early years discussed the different areas of learning and how teaching and learning would be implemented also how best parents can support their children at home.
The topic for this term is "Let's Get Moving" The children were experimenting with different ways of moving.
Children can listen to stories with increasing attention and recall. They can also describe main story settings, events and principle characters.
For Literacy the children were reading the story, "We're Going On a Bear Hunt" The adults hid some bears in the nursery playground. We took the children for an animal hunt. The adults and children role play the story.
"Oh no, long wavy grass. We cant go over it, we...... "Look I found the bear!." He got one wet shiny nose, two big furry ears........"
Expressive Arts and Design: Being Imaginative
Children can use available resources to create props to support role play. They can also capture experiences and responses with a range of materials such as play dough/paint.
June 2018
Characteristics of effective learning
Children have been using their thinking ideas, finding new ways to do things and testing their ideas.
"I know, maybe we can put it on this way" "I made the letter A by joining the (Miran) balls with those sticks" (Kaliyah)
"I think the tower is taller than Ms J."
Expressive Arts and Design (Being imaginative)
Children are able to engage in imaginative role play using available resources to support role play.
"Walking through the jungle, "Creeping through the..........." what do you see?. Can you hear a noise? What can it be? ...."
Children are beginning to segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together. They are also attempting to write short sentences in meaningful context with little support.
When the children arrive in the morning they complete a simple activity on the interactive white board.
Expressive Arts and Design
The children have been painting the animals from the story 'Walking Through The Jungle ' and talking about the features of the animals. They selected the correct colour to paint the animals. They also spoke about how they moved in the story.
The children have been looking at different objects and feeling them. They have been using language to describe the texture of objects. They have been exposed to new words.
The children can copy some letters from their name. They can hear and say the initial sound in their name.
May 2018
Royal wedding celebration
The children came into school dressed up in their regal outfits to celebrate Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding. They learnt who some of the members of the royal family are and their title. They listened to some of the songs played at the royal wedding. The children bought in snacks to share with their friends.
Kensigton Garden Trip
Nursery went on a trip to Kensigton Gardens to look at plants and flowers as part of their topic. They observed lots of other stuffs and could talk about what they have seen. The parents came along to enjoy the day with their children.
The children enjoyed themselves immensely at the Princess Diana memorial playground.
The children are beginning to show interests in shapes in the environment. They are beginning to talk about the shapes.
The children are beginning to hear and say the initial sounds in words.
Nursery children did an assembly on Ramadan. They learnt about the special time for Muslims and taught the other children in their assembly.
'The special book is called the Quran.'
'Muslim people break their fast with dates and water.'
Expressive Arts and Design
This term our topic is 'Plants and Flowers'. The children have been using different materials to make flowers. They used glue, scissor, cards, tissue papers and colours to create their flowers. They even added the roots to their flowers which they have observed in their environment. They are beginning to label the parts of a plant.
The children in the nursery use available resources to create models for their role play.
That's a school girl and that's a school boy. They're holding hands.
This week the nursery children have been comparing two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The children enjoy playing in a group, extending and elaborating play ideas.
'I'm cooking breakfast.'
'I'm mummy and she is sister.'
Wake and Shake
The children have been really enjoying themselves imitating different dance moves every morning as their wake and shake routine.
Sport Relief
The children in the nursery came dressed in their sports kit to support sport relief.
Easter hats
The parents supported their children in making Easter Hats for their Easter parade which will be held next week. They used different materials and resources and were very creative coming up with different ideas to make their hats unique.
Expressive Arts and Design
The children are becoming very creative. They can use available resources to create props to support their role play.
"I made a pirate ship. It fall down". "I'm a cyclist. These are the arm pads."
"I'm a cat. This is my nose and whiskers".
" I made a car. This is the driver".
The children used different resources such as cards, strings and plastic cups to make hot air balloons.
Some of the nursery children are beginning to apply their phonic knowledge in their writing.
Mathematics Through practical activity, The children have been showing good understanding on the use of positional language.
Teacher: "Can you put the ball in the box?" Hasnain: "The ball is on top of the box."
Understanding of the World
I am beginning to know how to operate simple equipment.
World Book Day
The children and the staff came to school dressed in their wonderful costumes to celebrate World Book Day.
Physical Education
The children are beginning to run skilfully and negotiate space successfully, adjusting speed or direction.
Understanding of the World
The children went to the playground to fly their kites. They talked about why at times the kite was flying and other times it was not. They investigated that they need the wind for the kites to fly.
They also explored with bubbles and spoke about what happens.
The children did an activity looking at different types of transports and discussing about how they travel. They had to put them in right categories (air, land, water).
February 2018
Valentines Day!
Parents were invited to come and enjoy a valentines tea party with their children in nursery. We had lots of fun with food,music and dance.
Our topic for this term is "Up and Away"
Through out this term the children will be learning about all the different things that go up and away. We have started with reading the book "Kite Day."
"The kite goes up and away" - James
Understanding the World
The children get the opportunity to investigate the natural world, for example they see the effects of the wind when they blow bubbles or let go of the balloon.
"Look the bubbles go up and away." "Balloon go up,up,up."
Understanding the World
Children can use various construction materials and understand that they can use lines to enclose space and then begin to use these material to represent a Kite.
January 2018
Please see our curriculum map: /docs/Curriculum_map_Spring1_Everyday_materials-Shopping.doc
This term our topic is 'Everyday Materials - Shopping'.
The children started the topic by looking at different materials and identifying objects in the classroom made from those materials. They also read the book 'The Shopping Basket', which is written by John Burningham. They explored the story and discussed it with their peers.
The children explored the word shopping and discussed what they buy at the shops. The teachers scribed what they had said.
The nursery children have been exploring music with a recorder. Our very talented music teacher Mr Oban showed the children how to hold a recorder properly and how to make music by blowing it.
Read, Write, Inc.
The children in the nursery are beginning to blend and read words. They have been playing games with sounds to enhance their learning.
They are also beginning to form recognisable letters.
Physical Development
The children can walk upstairs and downstairs holding onto a rail two feet to a step.
Expressive, Arts and Design
The nursery have been experimenting with paints. They have been exploring colours and how colours can be changed.
Blue and yellow makes green Red and white makes pink
The children have also been engaging in imaginative role play. They were pretending to be the shopkeeper and the customers shopping.
Understanding the world: Technology
The children are beginning to operate simple equipment.
The children are beginning to write words by applying their phonic knowledge. Some are writing through memory.
The nursery children have been looking at patterns. They spoke about where they see patterns.
They looked at 2d shapes and created patterns using shapes.
'circle, triangle, circle, triangle' 'square, rectangle, square, rectangle'
They also looked at colour patterns and used cubes to create their own colour patterns.
'blue, white, blue, white.....' 'white, black, white, black...........'
'brown, brown, green, brown, brown, green........'
The children are learning to recite numbers upto 20. They sing number songs to help them learn.
The children have been counting toys and objects around the classroom such as pencils.
Understanding The World
The children are beginning to notice detail features of objects in their environment such as different everyday materials found in the market place.
"Look I can see clothes" (Oliver) "We need to go to GREGGS to buy the doughnuts" (Kaliyah)
Communication and Language (Speaking)
The children have been using language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situation using the story of "The Shopping Basket."
"Give me those crisps or I will thump you with my trunk". (Oscar)
The teacher explained to the children how some of the words in the story are not nice and are hurtful and they should not use that language to their friends.
Expressive Arts And design
The children are beginning to choose particular colours to use for a purpose.
"I will buy some red meat, a packet of crisp, yellow banana, and some green apples from the market." (Kaliyah)
What is my child learning?
Please see our Curriculum map: Curriculum Map Autumn 2 Animals, Including Humans
This term our topic is 'All About Animals'. The children studied different books with animals. They looked at the different features of the animals and went to visit the London Zoo to progress their learning.
Understanding the world
The children can comment and ask questions about their familiar world such as the natural world.
"Can we feed the Giraffe"
"Why is that duck pink" (Kaliyah) "Look the turtle can swim in the water" (Aisha)
Children are beginning to recognise and describe special times and events for family and friends.
Foundation stage children worked very hard to practice their lines and finally came together to perform the christmas play "A Miracle in Town" for their parents.
Mathematics (Numbers)
Children are beginning to understand that a group of things changes in quantity when something is taken away.
Most children can confidently recite numbers to "10" in order.
Physical Development
The children do wake and shake in the mornings. In the pictures below they imitate the actions to the 5 a day olympic song. They talk about the importance of keeping fit and how they feel after their work out.
Communication and Language
The children understand 'who', 'what', 'where', in simple questions.
What sound do cats make? 'meow'. What colour is the frog? 'Green'.
Where do cats live? 'At the pet shop'.
Understanding The World
Children are beginning to recognise and describe special times and events.
The children had a none school uniform day and came dressed in Pudsey bear/spotty costumes to support fundraising for Children in Need.
"We need to give £1 for special children"
(The World)
Children can talk about some of the things they have observed such as mini beasts.
" That ladybird is red, its got spots" " Look this one has four legs."
Expressive arts and Design (Being imaginative)
Children are beginning to use available resources to create props to support role-play.
"The frog is too jumpy, I sent him back".
Exploring and using media and materials
Children are beginning to be interested in and describe the textures of things.
" Is soft,nice".
Physical Development
Children are beginning to use three finger tripod grip to hold writing tools.
Communication and Language
The topic for this half term is 'All about Animals'. To link with the topic, the children have been reading the story 'Dear Zoo'. They have been listening to the story with increasing attention and recalling using props, pictures and actions to support. They showcased their fantastic work in assembly.
'The giraffe was too tall so I sent it back'. 'The lion was too fierce so I sent it back'.
The children have been repeating words and phrases from the story 'Dear Zoo'.
'He was too big'. 'He was too fierce, roaaaar'.
Expressive Arts and Design
As it was bonfire week, the children were making collages and bonfire paintings. For the collage they used PVA glue to stick strips of red, yellow and orange tissue paper for the flames. They also used pipe cleaners. For their painting they dipped their paintbrushes in paint and splashed it on black card to give it the firework effect. They also depicted the sounds fireworks make.
The children have been reciting some number names. They have been singing a lot number songs to help them count. Also they have been practicing adding 1 more to an amount and know that the quantity changes. They have been using teddy bears to help them learn.
What is my child learning?
Please see our curriculum map: /docs/Curriculum_map_Autumn_1_ALL_ABOUT_ME.doc
Expressive Arts and Design
The children have been exploring with musical instruments. They have been showing interest in sounds by shaking, banging and blowing.
Understanding of the World
Most of our nursery children have settled in very well and are now beginning to have their own friends.
The children have been learning about Halloween. They have ben discussing about the event and recognising that not everyone celebrates it. They have been making pumpkins and masks to enhance their learning.
To begin with we focus mainly on the prime areas of learning. The three prime areas of learning are Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The children are beginning to show interest in others play and starting to join in. They also seek out others to share their experience.
"Easa you pour it out and I can put it in their"
Physical Development
Children have been learning how to run on whole foot and kick a large ball.
Expressive arts and design
Children have been experimenting with colours and marks.
Literacy: Reading
Children have been handling books with care and showing interest in illustration and print.
Baseline Assessment
The first six weeks is baseline assessment where we see the starting point of the children. We highlight the learning goals that are met.
Expressive Arts and Design
The children are beginning to be interested in textures. They have been looking and feeling objects and describing the texture of them.
The children have been learning about height. They measured themselves on the height chart and compared to see who is short and who is tall.
Religious Education
Nursery have been learning about Ramadan. They were able to talk about who celebrates Ramadan and how they celebrate it. They also discussed the similarities between Islam and other religions such as Christianity.
"Christian people pray in the church and Muslim people pray in the mosque."
"I'm a Christian and I want to pray on the magic carpet."
This term our topic is "Let's Get Moving". We have been reading the story "Walking Through The Jungle". The Children have been looking at how the animals move in the story and have been acting out the actions.
Outdoor playtime
Children have been finding different ways of move while playing outside in the playground.
"running" "drive"
I can recognise familiar words and signs such as own name and advertising logos.
Kensington Gardens Trip
The nursery children went on an adventurous trip to Kensington Gardens to see plants and flowers to link with their topic. Parents came along to experience the place with their children.
This term our topic is 'Plants and flowers.' The children read the book called, 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' The children discussed how plants grow and how to care and nurture the plants. The children were given the opportunity to plant their own seeds with their parents in the nursery garden.
'First we need to put seed in the dirt'
'We need to water the seed'
Independent Learning
Children are given the opportunity where they can be independent learners.This help them to think creatively and solve problems.
'I draw a butterfly, it has blue circles and orange stripes'
'I can write 't'. 'Zumra can't talk now she has to write her sound.'
Literacy (Story telling)
Children are beginning to use pictures from the story to retell what happens at the beginning, the middle and the end of the story.
Maths (Numbers and Quantity)
children are becoming more confident in matching numeral and quantity correctly.
(Representing numbers)
children are also beginning to represent numbers using their fingers correctly.
Physical development
The children are beginning to hold the writing tools with their tripod fingers. They are also learning to copy some letters from their names.
Please see our curriculum maps: Curriculum map Spring 2 - Up and Away
This term our topic is 'Up and Away.' The children read a book called 'I wish I were a pilot.' They discussed all the transports or objects from the story that go up and away and looked at other things such as the birds and bees. They were also given the opportunity to make a kite and explore with it at a local park to extend their knowledge. Also as part of the topic the nursery went on a trip to the 'Discover Centre, in Stratford. The story builder told them a story linked to the the topic called 'Up in the Clouds.' The children were engaged in imaginary play with the spectacular outdoor play and indoor toys they had. It was great fun!
The children are beginning to use positional language. They were describing the position of the ball.
The ball is in the box. The ball is on the box.
The ball is behind the box. The ball is under the box.
The children are beginning to continue a rhyming string.
Communication and Language
The children can identify action words by finding the right pictures.
Physical Development
The children explored with the climbing equipment at the Discover Centre. They enjoyed climbing up the wall, the ship, the spaceship and the slide.
Expressive, Arts and Design
The children with the help of adults decorated their Easter baskets. They put glue on the box and then sprinkled the glitters . They filled their baskets with mini Easter eggs and took them home to share with their families.
Understanding the World
The children are beginning to recognise and describe special times or events for family or friends.They had a special Easter Bonnet Parade assembly to celebrate the special occasion. They sang an Easter song 'Have you seen the Easter bunny,' and showcased their Easter bonnets to their parents.
The children won prizes for their Easter hats.
The children went on a trip to the Discover Centre in Stratford. Parents came along and supported their children. The children had an opportunity to create a story which was related to their topic 'Up and away'. The children played with the space toys and then came together on the carpet with the story builder who helped them to create the story through imagination. The children met a space alien called 'Hooter.' They sang a song at the end of the session called 'Hey Hooter'.
Read Write Inc
Children have been writing the sound 'b' during carpet time and free flow.
Expressive Art and Design
Zumra concentrated very well using her creative skills to make a desired object.
"I'm making iphone"
Children have been making Easter hats with their parents in preparation for the Easter Parade on the 28th March.
Understanding of the World
Children are beginning to talk about what they have observed. During playtime children noticed that the leaves growing and flowers blossoming. They are also beginning to understand that they are in the season of Spring.
" Look there is little leaf growing, is new life?"
"Flower growing, that mean is spring"
I have a sense of own immediate family and relations.
Physical Development
I can use one handed tools and equipment e.g making snips on paper with child scissors.
The nursery children have been learning that a group of things change in quantity when something is taken away. They have been singing '10 green bottles hanging on the wall'. They can use their fingers to represent the numbers. Some children have also been writing out the number sentences.
The children have been reading the book 'I wish I were a pilot.' They have been discussing the main story settings, events and principal characters.
'I wish I was a pilot flying in the sky. I wish Who are the characters in the story? I was a balloonist flying in the hot air 'The pilot, the balloonist, the racing balloon. I wish I was a racing driver, driver, the sailor, the driver from the big driving on the road.' train, the astronaut, the cowboy.'
Who are the characters in the story? 'The racing driver, the cowboy, the captain of the boat.'
Read, Write, Inc
The children have been learning the 'u' sound this week. They have been practicing the formation of the sound.
Physical Development
The children have been practicing throwing and catching a ball in P.E.
The nursery children have been doing some good writing. Some have been doing independent writing whilst others have been copying words and sentences. They are beginning to hold the pencils to form recognisable letters.
Expressive, Art and Design
Nursery children have been creating their art work inspired by a famous painter called Jackson Pollock. His full name is Paul Jackson Pollock. He was an American painter well known for his unique style of drip painting. The children dripped and splattered different coloured paints from the paint brushes onto paper to create this effect.
Understanding of the World
As part of Science week, the children have been looking at changing state. They carried out the Oobleck Slime experiment and have been using language to describe the textures such as slimy, gooey, soft and hard. They explored the words solid and liquid. The children used corn flour starch, food colouring and water to carry out the experiment.
Science Fair
To contribute to' The National Science Week 2017,' Child 'V' from the nursery took part in the science fair to showcase his talent. We have a young, talented scientist testing out his ideas.
Communication and Language: Speaking
The children were outside playing when they noticed the birds, aeroplane and rocket in they sky. They showed them to the adults and said, 'The birds go up and away. 'The aeroplane goes up and away.'
Expressive Art and Design
Children are beginning to construct with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources.
Literacy: Writing
Some children are beginning to write their own name and other things such as labels, caption.
Mathematics: Numbers
Children are beginning to realise that not only objects, but anything can be counted, including steps, claps or jumps.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Children are aware of own feelings, and knows that some actions can hurt others.
" I'm sorry Eray for not being your friend".
" Casimira, are you sad? We can play together".
Physical Development
The children have been practicing standing momentarily on one foot when shown.
Expressive Arts and Design
The children have been exploring colours and how colours can be changed.
The children have also been using the different coloured paints to depict pictures of things that go up and away.
The children have been learning about groups of things changing in quantity when something is added.
This week the children celebrated World Book Day. They came in dressed up as their favourite characters from stories around the world. The nursery children read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' book.
Understanding the World
The children experimented with bubbles to see how it works. They said that it goes up and away.
The children can talk about some of the detailed features of objects in their environment. They spoke about different things that go up and away.
The children sorted out pictures of transports to see which ones travel in the sky, on the road and in the water.
Please see our curriculum maps: Curriculum Map Spring 1 Everyday Materials/ Shopping
The children are beginning to describe main story settings, events and principle characters.
Expressive Art and Design
The children used lines to enclose a space and then begin to use these shapes to represent their kites.
To launch the topic we went to Butterfield Park with our parents to experiment with our kites. The children were excited and showed curiosity while flying their kites.
This term our topic is 'Everyday Materials - Shopping.' To launch the topic we went on a local trip to Ridley Road Market to buy the items from the story, 'The Shopping Basket.' The children were given the opportunity to explore the story which was linked to all the different areas of the curriculum. They were able to retell the story using story maps, props and with actions.
The children showed interest in illustrations and print in books. They discussed about the features of the book and how it is structured.
The children produced some independent writing in the nursery. They read in Fred Talk and then read the words.